prp therapy for sports injuries

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Is PRP for Sports Injuries Considered Blood Doping?

Are you a professional athlete considering PRP therapy for sports injuries? Given the latest concerns about blood doping, you might be wary about using any kind of treatments that the..

Platelet Rich Plasma Prolotherapy

What is Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Prolotherapy

To put it simply, Platelet Rich Plasma Prolotherapy is an advanced version of the technique of prolotherapy. Think of prolotherapy as a method. And, Platelet Rich Plasma therapy as a..

PRP Injection Contraindications

PRP Injection Contraindications

If you’re considering opting for PRP, some of the basic questions you’ll likely have are, “Is PRP safe,” or “What are the side effects of PRP?” PRP therapy is a..

PRP therapy for Arthritis

Stem Cell Therapy vs PRP Therapy for Arthritis

Should you ask your doctors about the various solutions available for arthritis, they are likely to recommend medication, surgery, and natural therapy. They may also suggest that you try other..

PRP therapy for Young Athletes after Injury

Healing Sports Injuries with PRP Therapy for Young Athletes

For a parent of a child keenly interested in school and college athletics, dealing with her injuries is probably a..

PRP sports medicine

How Athletes can Benefit from PRP sports medicine

PRP therapy has been known to help many athletes recover quickly from their injuries and perhaps, even avoid surgery. Pittsburgh..